I have podcasts and videos (many of them in YouTube) available for listening and viewing.

Filmed session ‘What are Mixed Methods?’ from our Research Methods Festival:

Chicagoland Evaluation September 20 2019:

Here is the link: https://uofi.box.com/s/pqg131wdk4sa4hpy800kvivssign2xou

Interview with Donna Mertens - The issue of climate change for new evaluators:

Paris France 2019 Interview with Young and Emerging Evaluators:

This is an interview conducted in June 2018 related to how researchers can respond constructively in troubling political times:

Here is the longer link: https://www.ncrm.ac.uk/resources/podcasts/?title=Changing%20the%20world%20with%20mixed%20methods&id_specific=51

This is a magazine article on the same topic:

Discover Society published:

A YouTube video of me in the form of a webinar done for the Mixed Methods International Research Association in 2018: